29 April 2008

sweet and sore

Teddy's whipped ice-creammmmmm!

Savoured whilst enjoying the fresh sea breeze..

Walking it off... Walking the line.
No, I can't resist including another seaview photo!

Kicking and catching in Kilbogget

Malachy's had a mishap with his middle finger!

He slammed a door on it and, although the nail looked okay, it was actually broken further down. It got infected and he had to have it drained under general anaesthetic at the Children's Hospital. He stayed overnight (with Mummy) and was extremely brave throughout the entire ordeal.

No sooner was he home with his brothers when he was back in his usually goofy good spirits!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

¡Hola Jam! Agradecido por la visita y comentario en el blog. Te envio los mejores deseos desde Canarias.