08 October 2007

the Sunday market

(I love hydrangeas!)
A typical Sunday afternoon....

We waited for the rain to subside, put on our wellies and then went to the Sunday market in the public park in Dun Laoghaire with the kids and Marije.

We snacked along the way ('me gustan los pepinillos')!

Y a mí las zanahorias!... "Eh, what's up doc?"...

By they, Marije had realised that the best way to get around Dublin in summer was... in rubber rain boots!!!

Wellies are made for puddles :)

... and this one was BIG.

There are so many yummy things in the market. And those cherries... oh, those French cherries were a hit with everyone :)

We dined on noodles and sushi too... mmmm

And had a look at all the other cool stalls.

But wait. The band that had been postponed because of the rain earlier decided to make the most of the dry spell and get playing!

The kids were delighted when the Céilí music started!

They danced around to the delight of onloookers young and old.

And then the band got us all up to do 'The Walls of Limerick'... eek!

Some, whose names I won't mention, were mere spectators... too chicken to dance ;)

Later, Jacqui and Ella came to play for a while....

... and we finished the afternoon off with ice-cream from Teddy's, yum!

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