26 September 2007

Wexford in June

We had arranged to meet Maite, Juanra and Leire the following day (Saturday) in Wexford town. They were travelling up from Cork, where they had stayed the night before. They were very unlucky with the weather the whole time they were here: rain, rain and more rain...

Wexford harbour in the rain... Malachy in his yellow fisherman's raincoat fitted right in!


After our little rainswept walk around the port, we accidentally fell upon a kid's festival that was going on in a marquis on the seafront. Unfortunately, due to the rain all the outdoor activities were cancelled. No matter, we had great fun laughing at these giants and their silly music...

... listening to this friendly storyteller telling old celtic tales,

... watching the puppet shows,

...and having our faces painted :)

Later all 8 of us went back to the rented holiday bungalow in Cullaloe and took a walk on Ballinesker beach. It was nice for the kids to hang out the next morning with their aunt and uncle...

and their cousin Leire.

* * * * *

Next stop: the Irish Heritage Park. Stay tuned.

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