30 March 2007

supple's christmas drinks party

On December 27th we all went to the Supple's traditional christmas drinks party.

The new generation of party guests in growing uncontrollably!!

So between the Supples, the Robinsons and the Jambrinas, we've now got 8!(from top left): Ella, Liam, Fiachra, Malachy, Caoimhe, Oscar, Aoife and Lorcan!

This is proud Daddy Declan with baby Aoife

Aoife liked doing the rounds with the men..!

Some dedicated daddies and some of their boys

Marion: were you trying to swipe my party partner from me?

Liam loves it when he gets to play at parties...

Especially if you can chase around with bigger boys!

...and learn new tricks from them!

Cute cousins Ella and Caoimhe

Malachy and Lorcan took a liking to Anita :)

And to Declan...!

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