22 November 2006

junior infant

Just 4 days after his 4th birthday, Liam started primary school at Johnstown Boys National School in Johnstown-Killiney! Here he is setting off for school on his first day!

The school is about a ten-minute walk from our house (on average -less if you're an adult and moooore if you're a slow-coach like Liam!). The walk over to the school is really pleasant and we normally meet other school children and their parents along the way!

My trustee ladybird bag (now referred to as my "mala scoile" -schoolbag in Irish)

Liam is never shy to new people or surroundings so, true to his usual style, he got right in there and mingled straight away!

The lady in pink is Miss Cooney, Liam's teacher. He is utterly nuts about her and has even begun to speak with her accent! Posted by Picasa

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