02 October 2006

The final countdown

So when the partying was over, we packed all our stuff up. Easier said that done with three small boys to entertain all day... Jaime and I did all the hard work, sweating in the July heat, every night after the boys were in bed... organising, packing, throwing out and tidying until the early hours of the morning. When the big day arrived (19 July) Jaime and Jorge packed it all into a Pepefurgo van and drove it to Bilbao where it was piled onto pallets and shipped off to Dublin.
I stayed in Barcelona with the boys... hanging out, painting on the patio, eating strawberries, taking photos, etc...!!! Here's a selection of my those pix:

patio paiting
displaying a selection of our works of art
sorry, Lorcan! Posted by Picasa

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