08 August 2006


Time is ticking away and I haven't blogged for ages! There's a lot of catching up to do but I promise, as always, to dutifully add my backdated pix and thoughts in their usual chronological order just as soon as we are back online!!!
It's great to be here in our new house in Dublin... although in a way it still feels like being either in a dream or on holiday! All we need now is to get our broadband connected and our car on the road and we'll be away in a hack, as they say around here!
The boys are settling in nicely, thrilled to have Granny, Granddad and Great-Granddad to visit whenever they want, and we're gradually finding our feet too... I think!
After the fast pace and stiffling heat of Barcelona, it's so refreshing to be under the cool cloudy skies of Dublin and walk the quiet streets of Cabinteely.
As I said, I will fill the empty blog gap here with pix, etc. very soon, but for now cheerio from our new home and our current state of transition...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hola .... hay alguien ahí ? ......
Besitos de Maria Max Irene y Sergio.

Ya contareis...(So sorry,my english is very bad)