04 May 2005

Come and play...

Come and play... everything's A-OK!
One of the first tunes Liam ever hummed!

It's a bit like the Tweenies, really... he's never seen an episode of Sesame Street but knows it through the website. Knows all the characters names and loves the web games!... Major favourites include the Sesame Street Opera, Learning about your Body with Elmo, Making Lemonade with Zoe and Elmo, Grovercising,.... to mention but a few!

Liam and Malachy don't watch kids TV, mainly because we don't believe in sticking the kids in front of the TV to veg, and also because we're trying to encourage them to develop their English (which is at an obvious disadvantage to their Spanish and Catalán as they live and go to school in Barcelona). We do watch some kids DVDs and movies (vetted first and watched and discussed together) and Liam is a big fan of Finding Nemo, Winnie the Pooh, Antz and TinTin.

The great thing about the internet is the interactivity, the stimulation and the endless opportunities to learn!

This blog has become our own family gateway to the Internet.... Liam asks to see the blog almost every day and loves finding new pix and posts to explore. We use it as a doorway to Sesame Steet and all the other websites we visit regularly (see links section on the right)!

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