30 June 2006

lazing with Liam

little man Malachy


Meanwhile, Lorcan rested up under the shade of his new red parasol.


weeeeeee.... I can flyyyyyy!

our bungie jumper!!

Bouncy castles are fun but, without a doubt, this got Liam's adrenalin flowing even more!!!


a bouncy slide just my size

can you see me in here?



boing boing

There were a total of eight different bouncy castles to play on at the Parc del Forum. Needless to say both Liam and Malachy thoroughly enjoyed bouncing away to their heart's content

Malachy stayed up on the marina with Lorcan and me, looking down on Jaime and Liam in the water from above.

Liam and Jaime found this tiny sea porcupine amongst the seaweed

We spent Sunday May 28 and Sunday June 4 up at the Parc del Forum and the Forum beach. At first Liam didn't want to get into the cool water but after some coaxing, he reluctantly crept in...

May 27... Malachy and Rita on the motorbike at the Parc de la Estaci� del Nord

trendy tiny tot

Lorcan at 1 month

little cry

aaaaaall gone

Meanwhile, others who are as yet unfamiliar with the art of chewing, just enjoy a nice cuddle...

and devouring a pear...

eating kiwi pops!

further down...

looking down in the ciutadella...

looking up in the ciutadella

Hey, what about me?

...whilst freshening up at the water fountain is a big joke!

Malachy takes hide and seek very seriously...

... but it's just impossible to get everyone to pose simultaneously!!!

Pedro did these spontaneous family portraits for us....

In the park with Pedrito. This is Pedro. He's a good friend of ours from Bilbao who's been living in Madrid for yonks but has decided to switch the capital city for Mediterranean Barcelona (good choice)! He arrived the day Lorcan was born and seems to be settling in ok (although he spends most of his time studying for the try-outs for a theatre course he wants to do here. Pedro is a dubbing actor (most likely recognised by kids for being the Spanish voice of Sesame Street's Elmo!!!)

Minerva and Liam

Well, a few Sundays ago, my good friend and colleague Mari Carmen came to visit us with my ex-colleague Minerva (Mini for short!) and her boyfriend Dani. They came laden with presents for Lorcan... presents of the most practical kind!: tons and tons of nappies and baby toiletries!!! Thanks girls! We're still well stocked up! Here's a snap of party girl Mari going straight for the Jameson!! tut tut tut

27 June 2006

bringing the blog back up to date...

Yes, I know, I know.... I've been very slow about updating this blog properly over the last month.
Let's see what we've been up to....


After 5 busy years in Barcelona, it's time for us to say ADEU, ADIÓS, FAREWELL...

Lots of our friends will already have gone off on their summer holidays but if you're around, come to our farewell party!!

(Click on the pic above for details)

15 June 2006

We're all flying off to Euskadi this afternoon to spend a week in Bilbao and Donosti. Luis and Saoia are getting married so we'll have lots of pix to post when we get back! (together with the backlog I've been accumulated over the last few weeks!). Will update very soon... See ya!


..And now we're FIVE!

... then this happened....

Jamrobber developments...

Back when I started this blog (March 2005), the Jamrobbers looked something like this,... remember?!!!