26 May 2006

... fooling around!


... and was delighted when we met up with his schoolmates Violeta and Mariona. They participated in the different workshops and had a go on the bouncy castles!

Liam had fun in this sea of coloured balls...

... and dancing!

... and listening to the music...

Last Saturday morning we went to the Catalonia Celiac Association's annual festival at the Parc de la Ciutadella. Malachy really enjoyed watching Mag Lari's magic show...

When Liam saw this photo of Lorcan inside his cradle he asked: "Mammy, is that Lorcan inside your belly?"

25 May 2006

getting a hand to do a handstand!


Malachy racing along!

Liam pushes the others along...

scooting their way to the park

... getting plenty of rest


Fake fencing on the bandstand...

Playing hide and seek: "1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10...Coming! Ready or not! Keep your place or you'll be caught!"

later on day 25...

Malachy with one of his and Liam's favourite storybooks: Gruffalo. Liam picked up the story really fast becuase the text rhymes... he loves to finish the sentences for me!
"A mouse took a stroll through the deep dark wood.
A snake saw the mouse and the mouse looked good.
Where are you going to little brown mouse?
Come and have tea in my logpile house.
That's terribly kind of you snake, but no,
I'm having tea with a Gruffalo"

reading in the park

Day 25 was last Saturday. We had planned to go to a storytelling session in the Plaza Sant Felip Neri that afternoon but Malachy took a long nap at home after lunch so we ended up running late and missing it. To appease Liam's disappointment, we selected some of our own favourite books and went to the park for a storytelling session...

Day 25

Lola monkeying around!

Liam the elephant, Rita the giraffe, Nico the tiger, Lola the monkey and Malachy the camel!!!

Jan joining in the fun too!

Nico making Malachy feel like one of the "big boys"!

The zoo gang is growing!

Lorcan quickly got used to being around the girls...

Rita and Lola gently pampering Lorcan

Liam and Rita climbing on the big bronze lion at the zoo


Day 24...

... and snuggling time!

drying time...

... so as not to break our backs leaning over the bathtub (and taking advantage of the fact that Lorcan's still too small to splash too furiously), we sit his baby bath on the dining room table and comfortably wash away!

He thoroughly enjoyed the experience!

After Lorcan's umbilical chord fell off and healed, he had his first bath!

Lorcan (21 days), Nora (3.5 months) and Vanessa (ahem!)

one, two,... three babies!!!

Malachy quenching his thirst

Liam and Luis

It's me, Liam!

Who's that?

Sleeping Nora

Day 22


Nora, adorably cute in her flowery hat!

Grandmother Mari Tere, Great Auntie Nita and Lorcan!

Luis and Malachy on the "rodona" roundabout

Juice time